
Showing posts from 2015

Join us for Fall 2015

Come learn with us! An engaging, fun Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten experience is available for you this Fall!  A large beautiful area is dedicated for the children's environment. We also offer the amazing, yet very simple and powerful opportunity to learn Chinese and Spanish, in addition to English and American Sign Language. Give your child a great start in languages through our immersive, hands-on, engaging, Montessori language learning method, that will benefit them in math and other areas of life for years to come! What is the difference between Lighthouse Montessori Academy and other preschool options? -  Small class size . Our enrollment is limited to 8 students. Each child will receive individualized attention to fuel their love of learning. -  The Montessori method . While any preschool will give you a break as you send your children off for a few hours a week, only a loving teacher in a carefully prepared environment, with specialized and careful...

Sensorial: Art and Engeneering Technology

These days innovation and technology are a hot subject-- and it is no secret that some of the most prominent creative minds, such as the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, or Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos credit their Montessori foundation for their ability to generate innovative solutions and think creatively.  In fact, many creative and bright minds in the fields of technology, art, poetry, science, credit their Montessori sensorial and stereognostic experiences during their early childhood as fundamental to their creative development. Such people include Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Hellen Keller, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi, to name a few. What could be the link between creativity, problem solving, and Montessori? The answer is found in the brilliant Montessori sensorial works.  Patterning with the sensorial and number rods to make a maze.  This requires precision, problem solving (what do you combine to continue the pattern after the side i...

Physical Science focus in July 2015

“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”   ―  Maria Montessori At Lighthouse Montessori Academy we delight in fueling the internal light of children. In this video you will see some of our typical days. We'd like to thank the children and their parents for their participation this month! You make a huge difference! We have two spots open for the Fall. Space is limited, and we invite you to contact us today! What's the big deal with Montessori? It is hands-on, neurologically stimulating and beautifully simple. Look at the focus and the delight captures in this picture as this little girl accomplishes the fabulous task of sensing and organizing those blocks of graded sizes and weights into a perfect beautiful pink tower! She had tried many times, realizing that if you start with a small block, the big one on top makes the tower tumble. She's problem-solving. She is focusing, almost hold...

Science through Sensorial Work

Student will explore in group class and individual work elementary science concepts in biology, geology, physics, botany through manipulatives, blocks, building materials, cards, books, blocks, and experiments. The purpose and aim of Sensorial work is for the child to acquire clear, conscious, information and to be able to then make classifications in his environment. Montessori believed that sensorial experiences began at birth. Through his senses, the child studies his environment. Through this study, the child then begins to understand his environment. The child, to Montessori, is a “sensorial explorer”.  Introduction Three Period Lesson Memory Games Visual Sense Cylinder Blocks Pink Tower Brown Stairs ...

What do Montessori TJEd, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, child-led have in common?

Child adds house number to the complex farm structure made of blocks, which took over the whole floor, that only some moms with a certain philosophy can appreciate Montessori , Thomas Jefferson Education (TJEd), Unschooling , child-led learning, and Ready to Learn are a few of the many philosophies that have been developed surrounding the great truth that we learn by experience . Our program is not only compatible  and adaptable to all these methods, but it actually gives you the means to make your experiences happen! Experiences: Heart, Might, Mind and Strength.  The thoughts of our minds, the disposition of our hearts, and the sensations of our bodies as we have an experience will affect our learning. Our experiences are the material from which we develop. In Montessori words, a child learns a third from the environment, a third from the guide (adult), and a third from his experiences with the materials in the nvironemnt and the guide. In a Montessori home or c...

History and Practical Life

This Social Studies class helps children become independent. Children intuitively work at being independent. Anyone who has been around children is familiar with the "me do it" attitude. The Montessori class on practical life and history capitalizes in this human desire to take care of himself and his environment. Gaining control of their movements, and having access to the things they need, gives children security and comfort. Through practical life activities, children develop both the skills and the knowledge to participate in their social surroundings effectively. These activities also promote a sense of understanding for human traditions and the overall human experience of providing solutions to the challenges of shelter, food, and rest. Many of the practical life activities in the cultural studies include fun cultural works. For example, during our studies of Asia, children may use chopsticks to transfer food. This activity would help the children develop their fine...