School Schedule

Children's House Daily Schedule

Children enrolled in the Children's House program will enjoy a number of periods/classes from all areas of development. Our daily routine allows the children to explore the new ideas and challenges we introduce based on our observations of their development and interests. We have a small class size capped at 12. The following is an example of our daily schedule of classes, tailored to best equip our students on their road to success.

Monday - Friday

8:25 - 8:30 am Drop-off               
8:30 - 8:40 Morning Line Time
Every morning, classical music signals to our students Morning Line Time is about to begin. When the music starts our students clean up and take their place on the line.

Each day begins on our “line” as we sing the national Anthem. Then we say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing our Days of the Week & Months of the Year songs to determine the date. We also introduce our monthly/weekly themes and give group Montessori presentations.

8:40 am – 9:50 am Montessori Math and Science Work Time
Our teacher's guide each student through Montessori works. Our carefully prepared environment draws in each student to engage in meaningful work. Each student receives  one–on–one lessons, which are individually prepared for each child.

9:50 am - 10:20 Language Enrichment and Practical life
This portion of our day consists of group lessons with focuses in Culture/Geography, Language, Music, Art, Dance. For the language part, we read or give readers a chance to read to younger children. We guide students through the Pink, Blue and Green series of Montessori. We work on grammar. Each month's activities surounds a given Science/Cultural theme. The penmanship exercises will have to do with that theme and will thus be more enjoyable to the child. We begin with a story, discussion and have an art project to support the lesson. Children may choose between participating in the group class, or continuing to work individually with the Montessori works.

10:20 am – 10:40 am Chore Time
Our authentic Montessori environment provides children the valuable opportunity to learn to take pride in their ability to take care of themselves and their environment. At the end of each day our students take turns doing various chores such as feeding class pets, watering plants, dusting shelves, sweeping floors, vacuuming, taking out the trash, washing tables/chairs, folding towels, etc. Our students enjoy learning how to do these activities and take care of their environment.

10:40 - 11:10 Snack time, Good manners, Teacher Class Read Aloud  During chore-time, and with the assistance of an adult, one of the children will prepare a snack for the rest of the children. This may include learning how to cut bananas, spreading jam and peanut butter on bread, peeling, hard-boiled eggs or oranges, etc. The child will then serve the other children. This will be a time to teach and practice good manners. While the children enjoy their snack, our teacher will read a book in English (and then in Spanish).
11:10 am - 11:30 am recess outside 
11:30 am Pick Up Morning Class


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