Take-Home Montessori Unit Study Classes

This program was developed inspired by the Montessori, TJ Ed, Unschooling, Child-led, Charlotte Mason idea that children are to be inspired at the home to learn out of the best books and materials at home, and love the process.

Ages 3 to 18 years-old
Space is limited

The program's classes consist of:

 (1) three hours a month of in-person class time
(2) class at home through training videos for daily use, and
(3) Montessori  materials and  books checked-out from Lighthouse Library for daily practice. Checked out and returned each month.


Parent participation is encouraged during classes, both in person and at home. During face to face class, children will learn the Montessori principles of respect, curiosity, and creativity through which they can approach each and every other subject of learning, including math, language, practical life, science, history, sensorial development, and problem solving.

At home, class will consist of children watching a short training video where they can see other children or guides using the Montessori Materials the Montessori way. The materials are at least thirty activities per Unit Study. The program includes the following suggested schedule:

Mondays video on Montessori Math, followed by that specific hands-on work (for instance the Montessori Gold Bead material for operations into the thousands). Each unit each month will have several Montessori Math works, including the Golden Bead Material, the Red and Blue Rods, the Fraction, etc. For more details, visit our Montessori Math Class.

Tuesday a video on Language, followed by language exercises with material (for example, a beginner reader may use the sound boxes and items, while an advanced reader may use the grammar triangle noun identification and verb red sphere exercise)

Wednesday a video on Science, followed by scientific experiments and creations of the child's own choosing available in the bin, or created and developed by parent and child (for instance, working with the anatomy puzzle, and then making your own).

Thursday a video on History. For instance, a video on Native Americans and corn, followed by the pinpointing of that time period on the child's time line, and the creation of the child's own corn doll (instructions and husks included).

Friday a video on Art. For example, during the month on Astronomy, children can watch a video on the techniques used by VanGogh's Starry Night. They can examine the framed poster on loan from our Library, and can create their very own Starry art. Art appreciation is a fun part of sensorial development.

Upon completion of that day's activity, children are encouraged to explore the many other activities and materials, which have been prepared and are provided through the Library Loan. Parents should set the materials on display on shelves that are easily accessible to children (more training in class).

This schedule is not mandatory, and it is only meant as a spring-box for learning. Parents are encouraged to observe their children's interests and guide them. Children will then check-in the old materials, and check-out a new Unit Study.

Unit Study Materials for practice. 

The materials will be prepared and ready to use in a Unit Study style. Books and materials are checked-out from Lighthouse Library for daily practice.  Two rotations are available: Science, or World Studies.  The science rotation consists of Astronomy, Anatomy, Botany, Geography, Geology,  Physical Science Sound and Light, Physical Science Gravity and Mass, Zoology. The World Studies Rotation consists of Ancient Egypt and the start of civilizations, China Asia and inventions, Ancient Grece Philosophy, Astronomy and Physics, Europe and the Renaissance, Latin America and Christopher Columbus, USA Foundation, USA Westward Expansion and the 20th century.

Here is a sample from the Astronomy unit of the type of materials that will be available in each unit. A book with pictures of each material and activity is currently being prepared. For Astronomy, for example, the book will include a picture of the telescope that will be checked out with the materials, the constellation disks, the activities, as well as suggested activities, Living Books, etc.


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